
Over the years, I've felt the need to actually do something interesting with the very costly education I was getting. So, I tried to devote as much time as classes would allow to a few small projects. Some of these ended up being great for talking to employers.


May 2020

This was a project a partner and I did for a deep learning class at the University of Illinois. We tried to recreate the results of the original CycleGAN paper by Zhu et al. CycleGANs perform image-to-image style transfer, but without the need for image pairs. For example, you can train the network to convert winter photos to summer photos and vice versa with a training set of a thousand winter photos and a thousand summer photos. You do not need to find images of the same spot in both winter and summer conditions.

Our respository contains result images and training instructions.


May 2019

This was a project a friend and I did for personal amusement. We created a simulator to run a RISCV program from an assembly file. You can step through a file instruction by instruction, set breakpoints, and view registers. We also included an assembler to convert from assembly to RISCV machine code.

This project was inspired by Spike , but is far less functional and lacks many of Spike's impressive features.

FPGA Laser Pointer Paint

December 2017
Repository Demo

This was a project a partner and I did for a digital design class. It would track the path of a laser pointer on a wall and draw the path to a screen. We uploaded our design to a DE2-115 FPGA with an attachable camera. The FPGA displayed output to a VGA monitor. We implemented logic for laser tracking, drawing to memory, and controlling the VGA display in Verilog.

A full writeup can be found in the repository's README.